West Northamptonshire Council

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is the single unitary council responsible for providing a range of public services to residents and businesses in the areas of Daventry, Northampton and South Northamptonshire.
On April 1 2021, West Northamptonshire Council replaced Daventry District Council, Northampton Borough Council and South Northamptonshire Council, and now delivers all the services which were previously provided by these councils.
Find and take part in consultations and engagement activities run by West Northamptonshire Council by clicking here.
You can access WNC at one of their monthly drop in sessions. Housing officers and the local Citizens Advice branch will be based in the centre of Brackley Library on the last Friday of every month from 10:00 to 12:00.
West Northamptonshire Council Services
- Abandoned vehicles
- Bus passes
- Community safety
- Council tax & business rates collection
- Disabled parking permits
- Economic development
- Education
- Elections & electoral registration
- Emergency planning
- Environmental health
- Flooding, gritting/snow clearance
- Highways/transport/crossings
- Public carriageways, public footpaths & potholes
- Housing (Including homelessness)
- Leisure services and facilities
- Libraries
- Licensing (incl taxis & alcohol}
- Litter/fly tipping
- Local town planning
- Parking control
- Pest control
- Planning consent for new buildings
- Alterations to existing public carriageways, public footpaths & potholes
- Recycling, refuse collections & tips
- Registry offices
- Social services
- Strategic town planning
- Street lighting
- Trading standards
- Waste management
Contact West Northamptonshire Council
Telephone: 0300 126 7000
Lines are open: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Lines are closed on bank holidays.
Email: contactus@westnorthants.gov.uk
Website: www.westnorthants.gov.uk
Follow West Northamptonshire Council on social media via Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
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