WNC - Drop-in sessions to help shape local transport across our area

A new plan is being developed that outlines what local transport will look like in West Northants over the next 20 years.
The Local Transport Plan details a range of proposals, with the aim that by 2045 the Council will have worked with communities and partners to:
- Make public transport more attractive and accessible
- Make active travel such as walking or wheeling a first choice for short trips
- Reduce dependency on private cars
- Make our transport system safer, cleaner, and more inclusive
- Improve transport infrastructure and transport services to make them more resilient
- Achieve net zero.
Residents, businesses and community groups are being invited to help shape the plan and join one of the upcoming in person or online sessions. A series of drop-in events are being held across the area and online on the following dates:
- Tuesday 13 August, 9am to midday at Daventry Market Square, High Street
- Friday 16 August, 9am to midday at Brackley Market, The Piazza
- Wednesday 21 August, 10am to 11.30am, online
- Thursday 22 August, 9am to noon at The Grosvenor Centre, Northampton
- Monday 23 September, 10am to 11.30am online
- Friday 11 October, 9am to midday at Towcester Farmers Market, Richmond Road
For joining instructions to the online sessions, please email localtransportplan@westnorthants.gov.uk.
The consultation closes on Thursday, 17 October and people can have their say by visiting our consultation hub.
Contact Information
West Northamptonshire Council Communications Team
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