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Southfield School - Asset of Community Value

Posted in Brackley Town Council

Following the unwelcome announcement of the closure of Southfields School, with the proposed future disposal of the site, the Town Council became aware of the very strong feelings of the local community in opposition to the move. This opposition was represented by public attendance at Council meetings, in social media, and in the Press.

After exhausting all opportunities to challenge the closure, the Council resolved to investigate the possibility of nominating the site to be registered as an Asset of Community Value under Section 89 of the Localism Act 2011.

The Council formed a group comprising a number of Councilors and members of the public and, after investigation, concluded that such a nomination was possible.

The nomination was made to West Northants Council (WNC) on 25th June 2024, supported by a strong community case. The Council learned that the nomination had been successful on 20th August, with WNC saying that “The Property provides services for local sports groups including an after-school football club, together with a Youth Club and Brackley Sea Cadets. Consequently, this current use furthers the social wellbeing and the interests of the local community.”

This is an excellent outcome, and means that the Council must be notified if the current owner, WNC, wishes to dispose of the property. At that point, any community interest group can submit a written request to be treated as a potential bidder for the property.

This is by no means the end of the process of trying to keep the Southfield School site as a community asset, but it is an essential first step and the Council welcomes it warmly.

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