Owners must now follow bird flu prevention measures

Following an increase in the number of confirmed cases, the Government has implemented new rules to prevent the spread of Avian Influenza (bird flu). |
At midday on Monday, 17 October, the Chief Veterinary Officers from England, Scotland and Wales declared an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) across Great Britain to mitigate the risk of the disease spreading amongst poultry and captive birds. Cllr David Smith, West Northamptonshire Council’s Cabinet Member for community safety and engagement, and regulatory services, said: "It is imperative that anyone who owns or works with birds reads the declaration and implements its instructions. "This is not only to protect the wellbeing of your own flocks, but those of everyone in West Northamptonshire and beyond whose wellbeing and livelihoods rely on them." On Friday the Government issued a reminder to anyone who owns 50 or more birds that they must register their flock. People with smaller flocks can register voluntarily – register a flock. For more resources and the latest bird flu updates, please visit here. |
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