Northamptonshire Police Notice - Loose dog incident

An incident occurred on Martial Daire Boulevard, Brackley yesterday (Monday 5th) at around 7.25am where a Rottweiler type dog ran up behind a female walking to work. The dog jumped at the female repeatedly, pulling on her coat and scarf with its teeth before eventually grabbing the scarf and running off with it back in the direction it had come from. There were no owners present in the street with the dog so it may have escaped its garden.
It was fortunate the lady wasn't injured in this incident, she was however very shaken up by it and anxious that children may have been attacked by the animal, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. The dog was described a large Rottweiler which was wearing a collar possibly blue in colour.
If you know of a dog matching this description from the above area of Brackley, please contact 101 343501 quoting reference number 2400073819.
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