HS2 Notice of temporary traffic management, B4525 Welsh Lane, Greatworth

What work is taking place?
In preparation for the construction of the Greatworth Green Tunnel, we will be carrying out bat activity surveys along B4525 Welsh Lane.
We are continuing our established programme of bat mitigation works. Our surveys consist of an initial assessment of the tree; a climb, this can inform the roost potential and whether bats or their droppings are present. Followed by surveys to see emergence and re-entry which are typically carried out for 2-3 hours before dusk and just after dawn.
Following confirmation of bat absence (or Natural England licensing, should bat roosts be identified), trees or limbs may then be felled.
During these surveys’ torches may be seen, but generally we try not to use them.
For the safety of our team, these works will require temporary traffic management in the form of multi-way lights.
When will these works take place?
A section of the B4525 Welsh Lane will have traffic management overnight 8:30pm – 5:30am on the following dates:
• Tuesday 29 August to Friday 1 September
• Tuesday 12 September to Friday 15 September
Where will the works take place?
The map above, shows the section of Welsh Lane that will have temporary traffic management overnight from 8.30pm to 5.30am.
View the full notice document here
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Email: hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk
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