Have your say on Brackley High Street Area Revitalisation

Residents and visitors are being asked to share their ideas about enhancing Brackley and any improvements they would like to see made to the high street.
Nationally, high streets across the UK are facing many challenges and many people are using them differently to how they have done in the past.
WNC’s Brackley Town Centre Manager has been working closely with local businesses, organisations, and Brackley Town Council to champion the local community, to harness the pride in the town and to establish opportunities to improve the local high street and benefit every local resident, business and visitor.
We need your help to shape ideas for these improvements and have set out a series of questions to understand your current and future uses of Brackley High Street and how you’d like to see the high street improved.
To complete the survey please visit the WNC website here. The survey closes May 26 2024.
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