Design the cover of our next Town Talk magazine!

In celebration of King Charles III Coronation on Saturday 6 May 2023, we are inviting the children of Brackley to design the front cover of our next Town Talk magazine. We are looking for a unique design which celebrates the King and Great Britain. We want it to be colourful and eye catching!
Gigaclear have very kindly donated £175 worth of prizes which will include £100 Amazon voucher, £50 Amazon voucher and £25 Amazon voucher to the top 3 winners. The 1st prize winner will have their design used as the Town Talk magazine cover which will go out to 7,000 households at the end of April.
- The competition is open to children who live in Brackley.
- Entrants must be aged between 5-11 years.
- Artwork must be drawn on A4 portrait paper.
- Entries must be sent in by Wednesday 22 March 2023.
Please deliver or post your entries to:
Brackley Town Council, 20 High Street, Brackley, NN13 7DS
Don't forget to write your name, age, address and telephone number on the back of the A4 paper so we can contact you if you win. Judging will take place on Thursday 23 March.
Download the official competition poster here.
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