Carers in West Northants invited to have their say on a new carers strategy

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is keen to seek the views from carers as part of the development of a new, ambitious carers strategy aimed to enhance the lives of caregivers in our vibrant community.
A carer is someone who selflessly offers unpaid assistance to their partner, family member, friend or neighbour who may be unwell, have a disability or struggle without this essential help.
The council is keen to hear thoughts, insights and feedback from all carers in West Northants on what aspects of support are effective, what elements you believe require improvement, and your suggestions for enhancing the support provided to caregivers within West Northants. All of this feedback is essential in the development of the strategy that sets out a direction of travel which meets the needs of carers as well as the loved ones that they care for.
A number of face-to-face engagement events have been arranged all over West Northants as well as online, with the hope that carers will be able to attend, share their feedback and views, as well as meet other carers in their neighbourhood. Please do come along to an event that is convenient to you by registering via the links below.
Face to face engagement events:
- Daventry Community Centre, Ashby Road, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 0QE: 25 October, 2pm to 4pm. To book your place please click on the link here.
- Moulton Community Centre, Sandy Hill Reedings, Northampton, NN3 7AX: 27 October, 10am to 12noon. To book your place please click on the link here.
- Kingsthorpe Community Centre, Thornton Hall Close Off Mill Lane, Northampton, NN2 6PT: 30 October, 7pm to 9pm. To book your place please click on the link here.
- Thorplands Primary School, Farm Field Court, Northampton, NN3 8AQ: 30 October, 2pm to 4pm. To book your place please click on the link here.
- Far Cotton Recreation Centre, Towcester Road, Far Cotton, Northampton, NN4 8LG: 31 October, 10am to 12noon. To book your place please click on the link here.
- The Courtroom Guildhall, St Giles' Square, Northampton NN1 1DE: 31 October, 2pm to 4pm. To book your place please click on the link here.
- Brackley Library, Manor Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 6AJ. 1 November, 10am to 12noon. To book your place please click on the link here.
- Duston Community Centre, Pendle Rd, Northampton, NN5 6DT: 1 November, 7pm to 9pm. To book your place please click on the link here.
- The Forum - Tow Second Floor Council Chamber, Moat Lane, Towcester, NN12 6AD: 3 November, 7pm to 9pm. To book your place please click on the link here.
Online engagement events:
- Saturday 4 November, 10am to 12noon on MS teams: Join on your computer, mobile app or room device by clicking the link here - Click here to join the meeting (Meeting ID: 363 224 480 13 / Passcode: YGeLp2) Or call in (audio only) +44 20 7660 8311,,169523370# Phone Conference ID: 169 523 370#
- Wednesday 8 November, 6pm to 8pm on MS teams: Join on your computer, mobile app or room device by clicking the link here -Click here to join the meeting (Meeting ID: 396 127 044 441 / Passcode: TmuTgd) Or call in (audio only) +44 20 7660 8311,,203864530# Phone Conference ID: 203 864 530#
Cllr Matt Golby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health said: “We fully recognise the invaluable contribution of our carers and we are committed to working with our local carers in the development of this strategy that will set out our focus over the upcoming years. It is essential that our carers are supported in all that they do, and it is really important as a Council we fully understand how best we can work with our partners to ensure the right support is available.
“Without the involvement and input from our carers, there is no guarantee that the strategy will meet their needs and it is essential we get it right, therefore I strongly encourage all carers to come along to one of the face to face or online events, or take part in the online survey.”
As part of the events the Council will be asking carers if they would like to join our “Experts by Experience (EBEs) groups as their unique knowledge and personal experiences as caregivers will play a vital role in shaping our strategy prior to its formal consultation phase.
If you are not able to attend the face to face sessions or online sessions, please do take a short 5 minutes to complete our three question online survey available: This survey is confidential and will close on 19 November 2023.
Contact Information
West Northamptonshire Council Communications Team
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