5th Brackley Scouts and Brackley Town Council delighted to plant tree from The Queen's Green Canopy Project

On the morning of Saturday 26 November, 5th Brackley Scout Group and Brackley Town Council were delighted to plant a tree from The Queen’s Green Canopy Project at Tudor Way Park in the Rose Garden & Open Space.
The Queen’s Green Canopy is an ongoing project proud to be creating a living legacy with over a million trees planted in Her Majesty’s name across the nation during the planting season, October 2021 to March 2022.
The selected scout cubs were chosen to attend on Saturday morning as part of their Community Impact Badge. 5th Brackley Scouts were gifted the special tree as a thank you in recognition of the copse planting work that they had done earlier on in the year.
The tree was officially presented to the 5th Brackley Scouts by Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Morcea Walker MBE and Paul Parson, The Queen’s Green Canopy Chairman for Northamptonshire.
The Mayor of Brackley, Councillor Paul Wiltshire and Councillor Elaine Wiltshire also attended to help out with the planting of the tree.
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