How the Council Works

The Town Council has 16 Town Councillors elected for a term of four years. The last full Town Council elections were held in May 2021. The Town Councillors are split into four wards: Brackley North, East, South and West. There are also three elected Councillors to West Northamptonshire Council who represent Brackley’s interests at this level.
The Civic Year runs from May to April with the election of the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor taking place at the Annual Statutory Meeting in May. These roles are filled by councillors who have been nominated and voted for by their councillor colleagues. The Town Councillors are unpaid, and do not receive any attendance allowance or payments for their duties, which they undertake on a purely voluntary basis. The Mayor has available a small pool of money which can be used for Civic purposes.
What is a Parish or Town Council?
A full explanation of what a Parish or Town Council actually is, can be found in the following document: ALL ABOUT LOCAL COUNCILS NALC.

Brackley Town Council Structure
Full Council
The Full Council meetings are held in The Civic Hall, Brackley Town Hall, Market Place on the first Monday of each month. Town Council meets approximately 12 times a year and has four main committees and ad hoc task and finish groups that meet as required for a particular project. These committees make decisions under their remitted powers or make recommendations for ratification by full Council.
Staffing Committee
The Staffing Committee meets on an ad hoc basis when needed and deals with all matters relating to staffing including recruitment, remuneration, welfare and other conditions of service of all employees.

Committee Meetings
The Committee Meetings are also held at Brackley Town Hall and are generally held on the third Monday of each month.
Finance and Policy
The Finance Committee makes decisions and recommendations to Council on all financial and policy matters under the discretion of the Town Council. This committee is also responsible for Best Value.
Planning & General Works Committee
The Planning and General Works Committee makes recommendations on all planning applications within Brackley to the Planning Authority (West Northamptonshire Council) and considers all associated planning, footpath and licensing issues.
Direct Responsibilities & General Purposes Committee
The Direct Responsibilities and General Purpose Committee makes decisions and recommendations to Council on the management of parks, playgrounds, cemetery and open spaces in the ownership of Brackley Town Council. This committee also considers matters relating to the local environment in general, including litter, grass verges, pavements, roads and other similar matters.
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