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Let's talk about the Budget 2025/26...

Draft Town Council Budget 2025-26 Consultation

17 December 2024

The process for setting the Council’s Budget for the 2025-26 financial year commenced during the Autumn. The Budget has thus far been subject to review by the Council’s Finance and Policy committee.

The public consultation on the Budget has commenced.

On the 13 January 2025, the Town Council, having considered the outcome of the public consultation on the Budget, will agree the Budget and set the level of Precept for 2025-26. Public participation at the Town Council meeting is encouraged.

This is the draft budget, available for consultation and is also available for inspection at the Council offices upon request by appointment. Appointments can be arranged by telephone to the Council offices on 01280 702441 or by email to deputy@brackleynorthantst-tc.gov.uk

Members of the public are encouraged to review the document and respond with any queries to the above email by Monday 6 January 2025.

Draft budget 25/26

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